
Elise JoLea Linn

Elise JoLea Linn was born on Friday, October 17 at 5:30am. She was 8lbs 2 ounces. She's a healthy little girl who looks just like her daddy ... for now! :) I am so thrilled to have a new little neice to love. There's something about being bonded to a child that isn't yours. She's a small part of me, but she's not my responsiblility. In other words, I get to have lots of fun with her, spoil her, give her fun things her mom and dad wouldn't necessarily buy (like fish, gerbils, loud toys with bells & whistles, etc.). I get to be a fun aunt! Don't get me wrong, there's nothing better in life than being a great mom, but I'm looking forward to my new role as Aunt to my sister's daughter. Noah & Ella are excited to have a new cousin too. New life is truly so incredible. I'm thrilled to be able to be a part of this little sweetheart's world. Oh, and in case you wondered ... the "Lea" in "JoLea" is after me ... Jessica Lea! :) How fun is that?!?

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