
Anyone Else?

Is anyone else out there ready for spring yet? Anyone sick of the slop and cold and wet socks? How about the stinky smelling gloves and hats and mittens that never seem to get quite dry enough? The garage floor that is a brownish yucky mess?

I am ... I'm sick of it already and it's only the beginning of January.

I'm thinkin it's going to be a looong winter.


Marisa said...

I agree....winters must be getting colder because we are not getting older!...... and I especially hate when i forget to unpack backpacks til the morning and realize wet snowpants were shoved in the back pack. Nice!!

Karen said...

YES--- I am sick of all the brown muddy gunk of winter also-- especially this past weekend with all the rain & melting. If it HAS to be winter, then I'd prefer snow, so we can at least play in it and have less mess.... Hang in there-- only 6 more weeks! We'll be hanging out on the boats in no time at all! :o)